Frequently Asked Questions.

If you would like more information about our services, see below for a list of frequently asked questions.

Many convenience store owners rely on the sales of their Tobacco Products, however do not realize that they can earn more by reselling their cigarette sales data which is logged inside your register every day.

Altria and RJR who manufacturer many popular cigarette brands offer heavy monthly reimbursements of $500-1000 dollars in general for this data which can be retrieved and sent by our system. You'll also be given the opportunity to run manufacturer funded multi-pack discounts for additional reimbursements.

After onboarding with us, we remotely connect your register/POS System to our network over the internet which allows us to recieve and process your data nightly. At the end of each week, your data is sent over to Altria who will calculate and pay your reimbursements at the end of each month.

Currently, we work with a variety of SAM4, Casio, Toshiba and Sharp register models. See here for a full list of models.

We are also working on integrating new models. If your model was not listed above, please call us at 845-803-1087 or email at to inquire.

We offer a basic package for $40 a month and an advanced package for $80 a month. Click here to read about what our packages offer.

Many companies offer the same service that we are providing, however, we offer competitive pricing and no hidden fees or contracts.

If you would like to quit at any time you can do so without paying any additional fees, and there is no initial setup cost - just the monthly payment.